Teens and Safe Driving

10 Apr

My brother was your typical 19 year old kid.  He thought he was the best driver, so confident in fact that he considered himself a talented texter-and-driver (although he’d always deny it to your face).  One evening he was heading home from a get together and ran a red light at a busy intersection while texting and t-boned two other cars.  Luckily the light must have just turned red because there were no pedistrians or other cars in the accident and everyone walked away unharmed (the cars where a whole other story).

There are a lot of reasons why teens are nerve-wrecking on the road.  My brother is a prime example of one of the most common reason–texting and driving.  One website stated that more than half of teens admitted to texting and driving.  Not only is texting and driving incredibly dangerous, but especially for teens who generally have relatively little driving experience and are more easily distracted.

The New York Times did a story about using in-car cameras to help teens be more responsible for their driving.  The article state that “If the driver gets into a wreck, or suddenly swerves, stops or accelerates, a video clip is sent wirelessly to a Web site where parents can watch it. The footage is only saved when the driver has a ‘safety event.'”  This helps teens assume responsibility because there is little room for rationalizing and they are forced to see things the way they really are.



  • Do you think in-car cameras could help reduce unsafe driving practices?   Why are why not?
  • What do you think can be done to increase safe driving practices among teens?
  • Do you think there should be more laws in regards to texting and driving (or any other unsafe driving practice)?




Depression Among Teens

9 Apr

There are a lot of times during the teenage years when teens become moody, overwhelmed, or really sad.  While these feelings are not necessarily depression, they can certainly lead to it.  Depression is a very serious problem for teens, affecting all aspects of their life and can lead to other very serious problems.

Untreated depression in teens can lead to problems at school, running away, substance abuse, low self-esteem, eating disorders, internet addiction, self-injury, reckless behavior, violence, and suicide.   It is important for adults to be involved in their teens lives and to recognize the signs and symptoms of teen depression so that they can help them get help.  To find out more about teen depression visit Helpguide.org.  These are some signs and symptoms their website lists for depression:

  • Sadness or hopelessness
  • Irritability, anger, or hostility
  • Tearfulness or frequent crying
  • Withdrawal from friends and family
  • Loss of interest in activities
  • Changes in eating and sleeping habits
  • Restlessness and agitation
  • Feelings of worthlessness and guilt
  • Lack of enthusiasm and motivation
  • Fatigue or lack of energy
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Thoughts of death or suicide

Probably the most heartbreaking effect of teen depression is suicide.  It is very important to address issues of depression that teens may be feeling (no matter how mild they may seem) to avert this tragedy.   To learn more about suicide prevention and warning signs visit here.

For parents:

If you think your teen is suffering from depression it is important to take action immediately and share your genuine concern for them.  Four things to keep in mind while talking to your teen are: (1) offer support, (2) be gentle and persistent, (3) listen without lecture, and (4) validate their feelings. After talking to your teen you next step should be to set up an appoint with a doctor and consider treatment options.  While medication is valid and sometimes needed, it is important to consider all options and to avoid relying on medication alone.  Especially with teens, antidepressant medication can be very dangers.  While your teen is in treatment for their depression it is very important to be understanding and help them also understand their own depression.  Encourage your teen to participate in physical and social activities, these can help your teens find something to focus their energy on.

Stop Cyberbullying

9 Apr

With the promise of anonymity, the internet can empower teens (or anyone for that matter) to harass or bully another person without feeling the seriousness of their actions.  One website reported that 43% of teens say that they have experienced online bullying.  This is way too high a number.  Online bullying is a very serious phenomena that should be stopped.  Each of us have a responsibility to fight to stop cyberbullying.

If you are the one being bullied, it is suggested here that you:

  • Act quickly
  • Don’t erase any electronic evidence (email, blog or Facebook posts, chat room dialogs, etc)
  • File a complaint with the Internet Service Provider, social network site, or cell phone company
  • Contact the school if the cyberbullying may be school related
  • If a threat is made, contact law enforcment
Teens in general are encouraged here to:
  • Not to put yourself at risk online.  Be careful who your online “friends” are and don’t hang around online places where people could treat you badly.
  • Say “No” to bullying.
  • Report bullying. If you watch and do nothing, it is the same as condoning the bully’s actions. Tell an adult.
  • Treat others with respect. Be careful how you communicate online so you are not insulting others.
  • Good Friends Don’t Keep Deadly Secrets! If someone you know is thinking about suicide, tell an adult.
  • Spread the word. Tell your friends that bullying is not cool, it’s cruel. Get involved in your school or community to make others aware of the consequences of bullying.
The same website suggests that parents:
  • Know the signs of suicide. Pay attention to sudden changes in your child’s behavior. Treat all clues seriously and seek professional help immediately if your child exhibits signs of suicide.
  • Teach your children to treat others with respect and kindness.
  • Get involved. Tell your friends and neighbors about the risks of bullying/cyberbullying and its connection to teen suicide.

Educators have a unique responsibility to be the first line of defense when they see a student who they suspect is being bullied.  Educators are responsible for:

  • Respond to ALL instances of bullying. Just responding with “that is not acceptable” will go along way toward ending bullying. Ignoring bullying is the same as condoning it.
  • Know the signs of suicide. Watch students for abrupt changes in behavior. If you think a student is considering suicide, he/she probably is thinking about it. Report all concerns to the school counselor, administrator and parent immediately.

Cyberbullying is all too common in schools today and can lead to serious health problems for teens including depression and suicide.

Tell me what you think. Respond:

  • Why do you think teens participate in cyberbullying?  Is there someone or something to blame?
  • Do you think cyberbullying is a bigger issue than regular bullying?  Should it receive more attention, or are we missing the point?
  • What do you think schools/parents/teens could be doing more to help prevent and stop cyberbullying

Sudden Cardiac Deaths in Student Athletes

7 Apr

I have noticed in the news lately accounts of student athletes who have suddenly died during sporting events.

Wes Leonard was the most recent of these tragedies.  After hitting the game winning shot, the 16 year-old collapsed on the court and later died.

Not only is this terribly tragic but also incredibly concerning.  My initial reaction was why?!  What is causeing this?  Why now? I found this really informative article in the New York Times Health section yesterday that addressed a research study regarding sudden cardiace deaths in student athletes.

The article said that while it has been more common in the new lately, that the rates have not actually increased.  The number they gave for the typical number of student athletes who die during sporting events was still a lot higher than I expected.  They said that 1 in every 43,770 National Collegiate Athletic Association student-athletes (ages ranging from 17 to 23) experience sudden cardiac death per year.

It also said that black athletes and Division I basketball players were at the highest risk.  They reported that the number of black athletes that die as a result of sudden cardiac failure are 1 in 18,000!  They said the reason for this could be an increased incidence of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which is when parts of the heart muscle become think, making the heart have to work harder to get blood to pump.

Something that the article suggested in reducing the prevalence of this is having all athletes screened for cardiac abnormalities prior to participation in any sports.

Eating Disorders

7 Apr

With spring break in the rear-view mirror and summer fast approaching, the pressure to get in tip-top swimsuit shape is at it’s highest.  Unfortunately this often leads to the development of eating disorders, especially among young women.

It is hard to determine exactly how many young people develop eating disorders each year because most of them go undetected, but it is estimated that 10 million women and 1 million men are battling with an eating disorder right now.  An eating disorder is different from going on a diet and is usually about much more than just food.  A lot of young people use eating disorders as a way to cope with pain or as a mode of feeling in control of some aspect of their life.

The two main types of eating disorders are bulimia and anorexia.  The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) defines these to disorders as:

Bulimia–an eating disorder characterized by a cycle of bingeing and compensatory behaviors such as self-induced vomiting designed to undo or compensate for the effects of binge eating

Anorexia–an eating disorder characterized by self-starvation and excessive weight loss

Eating disorders are very serious medical conditions and should be treated as such.  There are very serious, life-threatening, and long-lasting effects that can include osteoporosis, heart failure, kidney failure, and even death.

I found some incredibly startling statistics on NEDA’s website in regards to eating disorders.  They reported that more than one half of teenage girls participate in some type of harmful weight control behavior (vomiting, skipping meals, using laxatives, etc).   More than half!  The next one was even more disturbing to me, “42% of 1st-3rd grade girls want to be thinner.”  We’re talking 6 to 9 year olds that feel that they’re not thin enough!  NEDA’s website had a lot more statistics and good information, if it’s something you’re interested in I would definitely encourage you to check it out.

It is important to recognize the warning signs of an eating disorder.  This website suggested that some one with an eating disorder may:

  • Become very thin, frail, or emaciated
  • Be obsessed with food and weight control
  • Weigh herself/himself repeatedly
  • Avoid certain foods (dairy, meat, wheat, etc)
  • Exercise excessively
  • Withdraw from social activities, especially meals and celebrations involving food
  • Have a lack of energy
  • Intense dissatisfaction with body size, shape, and weight
  • Excuses to use the restroom immediately after meals

If you suspect that someone you might know has an eating disorder or is on the road to developing one, the best thing you can do is be supportive of healthy activities.  If you are close enough to the person, having a one-on-one conversation where you address your concern can often be a very helpful first step.  It is essential to remember that what they’re suffering from is a disease and it should be treated as such.  Some other things that might help someone who is suffering from an eating disorder is inviting them to eat with you.  Many times stress is a common trigger for an eating disorder, so helping your friend find a healthy, stress-reliving activity that you two can participate in is a good idea as well (e.g. yoga, meditation, going for walks, volunteering, playing music, etc.).

Probably the most important thing some one with an eating disorder can do is get professional help.  Unfortunately the number who receive mental health care for their disorder is very, very low (33% for anorexia, and 6% for bulimia).

Tell me what you think!

What do you think could be done to increase the number of people suffering from eating disorders who get mental health treatment?

What other suggestions do you have for dealing with friends or family who suffer from eating disorders?

What do you think cases so many young girls (and boys) to develop eating disorders?

How can we raise awareness about the severity of these diseases and the treatment options?

Soapbox: Planned Parenthood

23 Mar

I stand with Planned Parenthood and I encourage all of you to do the same.

For me, Planned Parenthood is a place where I feel comfortable getting birth control.  Even as a married woman, getting birth control can be uncomfortable and I can’t imagine what it is like for unmarried women (especially in Utah) who are looking for safe and on-going access to birth control.  We can preach abstinence until we’re blue in the face, but that doesn’t change the fact that some young people are still going to choose to participate in sexual activity prior to marriage.  With that being said, it is critical for them to have access to birth control in a safe and welcoming environment, and that is exactly what Planned Parenthood is.

Not only can teens (and anyone for that matter) access birth control they can also receive screenings, STD testing, and other exams at a reduced cost depending on their financial circumstance.  There will always be teens that hide their sexual activity from their parents no matter what we do or say, the least we can do is give them access to these essential health services.  Here is a quote from the Planned Parenthood website:

“Planned Parenthood believes that all people deserve access to preventive health care, including lifesaving breast and cervical cancer screenings, testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, and contraception. In fact, more than 90 percent of the care Planned Parenthood health centers offer nationwide is preventive, helping women and families make responsible decisions about their sexual and reproductive health, their lives, and their futures.

As the nation’s leading reproductive health care provider, educator, and advocate, Planned Parenthood is dedicated to ensuring access to quality, affordable, and culturally competent health care and information in order to build strong, healthy families and communities.” (Bold added)

Aside from their services Planned Parenthood also provides a ton of educational information.  Any one that has ever walked into one of their clinics knows this.  The walls are plastered with posters and pamphlets full of quick, useful, and factual information and resources.

I feel like a lot of the debate I’ve heard on the other side of the argument is dealing with the fact that Planned Parenthood provies abortion services.  And it’s not that I agree with abortion, but the fact of the matter is, just as their website says, 90% of what Planned Parenthood does is prevention! With all that Planned Parenthood offers, think about this–how many abortions does Planned Parenthood prevent with the rest of their services?

To find out what you can do to stand with Planned Parenthood, visit their website or the Planned Parenthood Truth Tour blog.

Share your opinion, leave a comment.

Teen Moms

23 Mar

Last week we talked about Glee and sex education and I thought this week we would follow up with another popular show among teens, the MTV series Teen Mom.   If you have never seen the show before it mostly consists of following around teenage mothers and the struggles they deal with on a day-to-day basis.  The show is already in its second season and seems to be doing well, which is not surprising when you consider that teen pregnancy rates are up for the first time in 14 years, according to the CDC.  Not only are there more teen moms out there, but in general the public is curious and intrigued with this growing population.

A popular teen girl magazine Seventeen reported here that “67.5% of teen girls have had sex without a condom” and that an astonishing “60% have had a pregnancy scare.”  Of all the things that teens have to deal with, teen pregnancy should not be on that list.

For many parents, talking to their teens about sex is difficult, many feel that because their teens know their values, they do not have to talk about it with them.  That is false.  Teens need to know that they can talk to their parents about anything and it is important to share their values with their teens through open communication.  One article gave a few tips for parents on preventing teen pregnancy:

  • “Discourage early, steady dating
  • Talk with your teen early and often about sex, contraceptives,your morals and values
  • Make their future attractive by teaching your teen to dream
  • Use good old fashion rules and curfews”

While parents can do a lot to encourage their teen to practice healthy and safe sexual habits, in the end it is up to the teen to make the correct choices.

Some more good resources for parents of teens:

Leave a comment and share your opinion!

  • What do you think is responsible for the rising rates of teen pregnancy?  A general acceptance of protected sex?  Lack of sex education in schools?  A growing trend of being a “teen mom”?  Lack of access to birth control? Media? Music??
  • What do you think about the tips for parents on preventing teen pregnancy listed above?  Are there any other suggestions you can think of?

Catching some Zzzzs

16 Mar

It’s no surprise that teens don’t sleep enough.   What may be surprising is the effects that not getting enough sleep can have on teens.  We all know that teens are naturally moody and sometimes irrational, but how much of this is due to the fact that they don’t get enough sleep?  A lack of sleep can not only negatively alter the mood of teens, but it can reduce your productivity at school (also not very surprising), make them more likely to crave unhealthy foods, and even increase the occurrence of acne!

The National Sleep Foundation had a lot to say about teens and sleep.   Did you know that teens need about 9 1/4 hours of sleep a night?  That means for someone who had school at 8, in order for them to get the right amount of sleep they would need to go to sleep at about 9:30pm to give them at least 45 minutes to get ready and time to get to school.  I don’t know about you, but I can’t think of one time I went to bed that early in high school.  The article mentioned something that could explain that, and that is during adolescents the body’s biological clock is shifting and so it’s typical for teens to find it difficult to fall asleep before 11:00pm.  Makes sense, huh?!

Because of this, many teens often find themselves struggling with a form of insomnia.  A less severe form of anxiety is called transient insomnia and is usually caused by anxiety.  Teens can often times become anxious about stressful events in their lives, or they can simply become anxious over the fact that they cannot fall asleep, worsening the problem.

The National Sleep Foundation in their article gives a few great suggestions for teens to help them fall asleep earlier and easier.  Some of these are:

  • “Make sleep a priority!…
  • “Make your room a sleep haven.  Keep it cool, quiet and dark. If you need to, get eyeshades or blackout curtains. Let in bright light in the morning to signal your body to wake up.
  • “No pills, vitamins or drinks can replace good sleep. Consuming caffeine close to bedtime can hurt your sleep, so avoid coffee, tea, soda/pop and chocolate late in the day so you can get to sleep at night…
  • “Establish a bed and wake-time and stick to it, coming as close as you can on the weekends. A consistent sleep schedule will help you feel less tired since it allows your body to get in sync with its natural patterns. You will find that it’s easier to fall asleep at bedtime with this type of routine.
  • “Don’t eat, drink, or exercise within a few hours of your bedtime. Don’t leave your homework for the last minute. Try to avoid the TV, computer and telephone in the hour before you go to bed. Stick to quiet, calm activities, and you’ll fall asleep much more easily!
  • “If you do the same things every night before you go to sleep, you teach your body the signals that it’s time for bed. Try taking a bath or shower (this will leave you extra time in the morning), or reading a book.”

What suggestions do you have for getting more sleep?  Have you tried any of these suggestions?  Where they successful?  What other things have you tried in the past that have been successful?

Leave a comment and share your ideas!

The Sex Ed Debate

16 Mar

In a recent episode of Glee, they tackled the hot debate of sex education–abstinence only versus a more comprehensive educational approach.   You can read a summary of the episode and watch a clip  here.
I’ll admit, I’m not much of a Glee follower, but when I heard about this episode it got me thinking, what do parents/adolescents prefer?  Is abstinence-only still taught in school?  Is abstinence-only education even effective?  So I did some research about current sex education in US high schools and I was surprised at some of the things I found.

In one article I found some interesting information on some of the history on abstinence-only education.

“the 1998 Social Security Act… provided $50 million in annual grants for abstinence-only education… Language in the Act specifies that funds cannot be used to discuss contraceptives, except to describe and emphasize their failure rates.”

The article then goes on to demonstrate the impact that this Act had on sex education in high schools.  It explained that the CDC later did a study called the School health Policies and Programs study and found that 96% of high schools were in fact teaching abstinence only, but that nearly half of high schools were stopping there without providing any other preventative education.  Some of these education programs had been going on so long that 1/4 to 1/3 of the adolescents had failed to receive any formal education about other preventative measures besides abstinence.  The article highlighted this problem by informing that not only did abstinence-only programs fail to delay the onset of sexual activity and number of partners, but by graduation 63% of adolescents  had participated in some type of sex intercourse.

The alternative to abstinence-only sex education is comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) which includes education about abstinence as the best way to prevent pregnancy and STIs but it doesn’t stop there; it also includes “medically accurate” information about other preventative measures. The study performed by the CDC, found that close to 80% of students want an education program that includes both abstinence education and other prevention methods.

So with all that being said, I’m curious to know what your opinions are about the debate.  What method do you feel is more appropriate?  What was your experience with sex education in high school, and do you feel that it was affective among your peers?

Leave a comment and tell us what you think and why.

The Fast Food Frenzy

23 Feb

For many teens, fast food is an integral part of their life.  Whether it’s going across the street to Burger King during lunch release with some friends or stopping by McDonald’s on their way home from practice to grab a quick bite, fast food infiltrates all of our lives at one point or another.  This doesn’t change the fact that fast food is some of the most unhealthy, caloricaly compact, and nutritionally deficient food that we can possible consume.  Fast food industries purposefully target teens because of their busy lifestyles and desire for instant gratification making them a high-risk population for the negative effects of fast food.

One particular article I found talked about how fast food industries offer “values” which encourage consumers to buy more in order to get the most for their  money.  The danger of this nearly always overlooked even by the health conscious.  These “values” often contain the recommended amount of calories for an entire day, but contain hardly any nutrients and way too much sodium and fat.  Trying to get the best “value” for your money at a fast food restaurant is dangerous, but especially to young people who can create lasting habits and health problems.

The fact that fast food is unhealthy for us is not news.  This does not change the fact that for many, especially teens, fast food is unavoidably a part of their life.  For that reason I have included this article where you can learn about healthier, low calorie fast food options. Some other things that I recommend to help fight against the fast food frenzy include:

– Pack a snack for after school or practice so that you are not tempted to grab something on your way home

– Limit the number of times you frequent fast food (try cutting it in half or picking a set amount of visits per month)

– Use the nutrition facts posted online or at the restaurant to help you choose healthier options when you do get fast food

– Get a water to drink instead of a soda or other beverage

– Avoid “value” menus and choose items from the dollar menu when possible (they are usually smaller in size)